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Munch House

Premium Pumpkin Seeds

Premium Pumpkin Seeds


Regular price Rs. 229.00
Regular price Rs. 619.00 Sale price Rs. 229.00
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Pumpkin Seeds: Tiny Nutritious Treasures Beyond Halloween

Hidden within the festive gourds of autumn lie something far more valuable than spooky grins and jack-o'-lantern candles: pumpkin seeds. These diminutive nutritional powerhouses pack a punch far exceeding their size, offering a range of benefits that go beyond carving and confetti. Let's delve into the fascinating world of pumpkin seeds:

Nature's Tiny Giants:

Though often disregarded, pumpkin seeds are a remarkable source of vital nutrients. 

    • Improve heart health: By lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure.
    • Boost immunity: With their abundance of antioxidants and zinc.
    • Promote prostate health: Studies suggest potential benefits for prostate health.
    • Aid digestion: With their high fiber content.
    • Improve sleep quality: Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, a precursor to the sleep hormone melatonin.
    • Regulate blood sugar: The magnesium in pumpkin seeds helps regulate insulin sensitivity.


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